This open-source Javascript library brings modeling digital origami to the general creative-coder audience; it includes a graph, math, and svg rendering library.
These calendars are generated in code from a Keplerian model of the solar system; they depict the motion of celestial bodies as viewed from Earth. The model itself can also be run as an OpenGL app.
picturesThis Voronoi-based design method led to one journal publication, software, and many folded models.
picturesDrawing origami diagrams is perhaps the most laborious task for origami artists. This prototype brings us one step closer to generative diagrams.
picturesThis bot does astronomy and tweets a visualization of the live position of Jupiter and its moons
This is a re-implementation for the web of Robert Lang's foundational origami tool.
A part of Rabbit Ear that grew to become its own Javascript library; introduces functional-style attribute assigning, event handling, import/export, easy path drawing
24 hours of weather including which hour it will rain. Housemates agree, this is the most unexpectedly useful device.
Geodesic dome construction calculator. This calculates strut lengths. Geodesic library in C
picturesInstallation for CAZA's book launch at the Venice Biennale Architecture festival.
picturesScraped #facesinthings images, run through face-detection, aligned and overlayed.
This library caught on as a popular first-person perspective orientation-based view, written in 2014 in Objective-C.
This glove prototype has onboard orientation and flex-sensors, communicated over Bluetooth where a companion app registered the device as a joystick and facilitated interace to software like Ableton. Photos by Filip Wolak.
picturesJohn Maeda created these posters for the Morisawa company. This VR app reimagines the image as an environment and places the user inside.
picturesThese sketches are mostly concerned with event scheduling and exploring alternate time-keeping methods.
This pair of apps convert your phone into a tilt-sensor joystick, communicating wirelessly via. Bluetooth 4.0, establishing your phone as a General HID gaming controller device.
processing tool for .dem file format, which covers the entire Earth with a 30 arc second resolution.
picturesAn accompaniment for one soloist; reinterprets the concerto into a duet.
This zine was made for housemates of people with Celiac Disease. From 2011.
picturesmade from recycled (mostly computer) electronics
picturesVarious genres of music transcribed for various instruments, including staff and tablature.
compositions and experiments 2008-2013